Seminar Spotlight: Entertainment and The Media

This post features student writing.

In Entertainment and the Media we have been working on pitches for the entertainment industry. The first day we worked on log lines, sentence-long pitches for entertainment that intrigues the reader while giving them an understanding about what the premise of your story is. We talked about the seven different plots and how people find comfort in the types of stories that they know. We learned about the inciting incident and the climax and had to include these in our outlines. We learned about writing treatments to show to producers, and the three different types that people will accept: the one-page pitch with 3 paragraphs (one for each act), the 3-5 page narrative (highlighting the main story points), or a 40-60 page detailed plot outline. We started to work on 3-5 page narratives for our own shows. We met with an actual television producer and writer who gave us insights into the process of pitching ideas and networking in the entertainment industry. We ended the week at Warner Brothers Studios taking a tour of the place where much of the media we consume is made.

— Theo D.